Blog, Teachings & Resources


E007 - Releasing voices and healing blocks jeremy de tolly radiant voices transform your voice vocal liberation Feb 14, 2020

Hey Lovely Folk

So this is going to be another episode of unplanned, unscripted communication.

Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

As you can see I'm sitting on a tropical island, it’s been raining a little bit, kind of windy and here we are.

I wanted to share with...

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E006 - How your voice can bring you confidence and joy Feb 07, 2020

Hi loves,

This blog was shot in a bungalow in Thailand, where I'm running workshops and private sessions and sharing music over two weeks.

 Watch the video or continue reading below!

Today we're going to be investigating some mindset shifts around our voices that are worth exploring.


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E005 - No filter: an experiment with unconditioned voice Jan 31, 2020

Hi loves,

This vlog was a total experiment. The backstory is that producing weekly video content takes a lot of time. And I knew I needed to change the way I was doing it. So this episode happened by accident. I asked myself what would happen if I just spoke from the heart with no script.

When I...

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E004 - The joy of liberating voices (convo with Courtney Cutchins) Jan 24, 2020

 This blog is all about the joy of liberating voices – it's a great conversation between two vocal coaches with a focus on body and heart-based singing.

There are lots of tips on working with your body to unblock vocal freedom (and enjoy singing more), plus how to breathe when...

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E003 - Liberate a stuck speaking or singing voice (set your voice free) vocal liberation Jan 17, 2020

Quickly overcome problems with your speaking and singing voice. If you're one of those people who think you have a bad voice, or are afraid to speak or sing in front of people, this video is for you.
We’ll look at:

- how this part of your body got blocked in the first place
- what you can do...

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E002 - Every person is a creative genius (interview w Bridget Quigg) vocal liberation Jan 10, 2020

Hey friend!

In this video I interview the wonderful Bridget Quigg.

She's an event host, writer and musician who leads groups in learning to access deep resources of creativity and play. Like me, she also gets people to sing en masse.

There's a lot here. If you want to increase creativity and...

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E001 - Set your voice free by humming (and meditate by singing!) radiant voices academy transform your voice vocal liberation Jan 04, 2020

In this video, I investigate how to set your beautiful voice free by humming.

You’ll quickly discover a daily practice where you meditate and sing at the same time. Tremendously convenient for a busy person like you!

We'll look at your voice blocks, and ways to transform your voice into...

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