E001 - Set your voice free by humming (and meditate by singing!)

radiant voices academy transform your voice vocal liberation Jan 04, 2020

In this video, I investigate how to set your beautiful voice free by humming.

You’ll quickly discover a daily practice where you meditate and sing at the same time. Tremendously convenient for a busy person like you!

We'll look at your voice blocks, and ways to transform your voice into one that you'll love.

We'll also look at Bhramari Pranayama and some of the scientific investigation into the effectiveness of humming to down-regulate the nervous system.

Get the free Transform Your Voice PDF



Nepal Medical College: “Immediate Effect of a Slow Pace Breathing Exercise Bhramari Pranayama on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.”

Eddie Weitzberg and Jon O. N. Lundberg, “Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 166, no. 2 (2002): 144–45.

M. K. Taneja, “Bhramari (Shanmukhi Mudra) Pranayama in presbyacusis and dementia,” Indian Journal of Otology 22 (2016): 145-47

A big source of info for this blog was the book The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness by Jonathan and Andi Goldman