Blog, Teachings & Resources


E027 - It's OK to not know vocal liberation waking up Aug 24, 2020

Welcome to this episode, which is about uncertainty, doubt and not knowing.

Read the blog or watch the episode!

This is all about not getting fixed ideas in your head and what to do with your huge political opinion and your opinion about government and your fear and rage about the people to the...

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E026 - Listen to Ambient Music ā€“ Release Anxiety and feel Grounded ambient music self-regulation waking up Aug 17, 2020

Welcome to you, to here to this channel, to this moment, to this exact moment, as we begin, let's just get feet on the ground, really feeling the lower halves of our bodies. Today, we are gonna talk about one of the greatest hacks for shifting the state of one's nervous system and getting out of...

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E025 - The Power of Silence vocal liberation waking up Aug 10, 2020

This week's blog doesn't really work as a written blog... it's all in the video.

Let me know if it spoke to you.

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E024 - Do you speak in a phony voice? vocal liberation Aug 03, 2020

My friend, who isn't into meditation, asked why I speak slowly in some of my videos, and if I was disingenuously putting on a phony meditation voice. Great question!

Watch the video below, or enjoy the written version.


Well, hello, welcome to another blog. What an episode is it gonna...

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E023 - Speak from Presence vocal liberation Jul 27, 2020

Hello, welcome to another blog. This one is about Speaking from Presence. It questions WHERE we are speaking FROM, rather than what we are saying.

Watch the video below, or enjoy the written version. 


So right now, you and I are both sitting, covered in rubber bands, all around our...

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E022 - From Self-regulation to Co-regulation (from Me to We) trauma vocal liberation Jul 20, 2020

Hello, welcome to another blog. This one is about the movement from Self-regulation to Co-regulation (from Me to We).

Watch the video below, or enjoy the written version!

So who's in charge of your nervous system right now? What's happening in your nervous system? What's happening in...

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E021 - Tapping for Blocked Voices (Heal Your Voice) tapping vocal liberation Jul 06, 2020

Welcome to the tapping for blocked voices tapping meditation. Vocal blocks are experienced not just in the mind, but in the body too. If you pay attention, you might feel a closing of your throat. Or you could have a lot of intensity in your solar plexus below your ribs, or a clenching stomach....

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E020 - Living a Warm-Hearted Life awakening heart Jun 29, 2020

 I'd like you to imagine that every day we're given a choice when we wake up. How to interact with the world, that we could set an intention. And that intention might be I'm going to interact with the world the way I always do. Through my conditioning, you could say. Another version might be...

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E019 - The Verbal Defence Pattern of Fight (part 2) narcissism trauma vocal liberation Jun 22, 2020

Are you a narcissist? Am I a narcissist? This, my friends, is a complex topic. This week’s episode continues on from last week’s investigation of the Fight response as one of the four Fs of Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn. And we’re going to dive into Narcissism as it relates to...

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E018 - The Verbal Defence Pattern of Fight (part 1) narcissism trauma vocal liberation Jun 15, 2020

So you're in the kitchen with a significant other and they're talking about something and they're being really irritating. They're saying stuff that's really triggering you and there's this heat in your belly and you’re holding on to it, you're holding on to it and then it starts to build...

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E017 - Fawn and the Defense Pattern of Being Extremely Nice boundaries communication fawn healthy boundaries trauma trauma patterns vocal liberation May 29, 2020

Well hello, how are you? I’m great, thank you—really well. Everything’s great! I’m fine... Or at least I'm pretending to be fine!  

Welcome to this week'sblog, about the trauma pattern of “fawn” and being too darned nice (or just a little bit passive...

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E016 - Releasing Shame and Healing Social Engagement trauma vocal liberation May 15, 2020

Shame and healing social engagement. What a topic, one that is close to my heart and well known to my innards, my gut, my nervous system. How about you?

Enjoy the video, or read the blog below

Shame is a complex emotion with a simple definition.  One definition is that it’s “a...

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