Blog, Teachings & Resources


E056 - The Problem with Over-Speaking and Rambling communication making space over-speaking over-talking waking up Oct 12, 2023

Hello there, glorious human

In this post I explore over-speaking, talking too much, rambling, and losing your way. Read on or watch the video below.


You might talk about one thing, and then suddenly you're talking about another, and then talking about another, and you have no idea how you got ...

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E036 - Consistency, Showing Up and Focus heart transform your voice trauma vocal liberation waking up Jun 29, 2023

Are you good at being consistent and showing up?

Are you focused, or do you tend to get distracted and pulled into a thousand things?

Do you dabble in manyĀ interests, or do you follow through with just a few and go deep?

If you want to heal your trauma and negative conditioning, empower and heal...

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E035 - Content vs Context (Get Out of Story) vocal liberation waking up Oct 26, 2020

In a world flooded with content, moving into context is our way into sanity, peace and 'waking up'. What this means is to move focus away from the inner dialogue of the mind, and into... one's senses, the body, and the present moment. It's also a way of bringing deep sanity and connection into conve...

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E034 - How to Wake Up & Heal in 2021 awakening trauma waking up Oct 19, 2020

Here's my take on what 'best practice' is for waking up, healing, and thriving in 2021. In essence, it's my opinion on how to develop a sense of harmony and wellbeing while living this wild, beautiful and rather short human life!

Get ready to give me your opinion on whether this rings true for you....

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E030 - Shut Down Voices (What to do if your Voice is "Too Little") vocal liberation waking up Sep 14, 2020

Do you speak too little, or does your voice shut down in social or work situations? Is your voice unreliable, so when you're triggered or emotional it lets you down? Do you hide online - in your social media or online presence? If any of these resonate, you may have a "too little" voice ā€“ enjoyĀ the ...

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E029 - What to do if you Talk Too Much (and then Shut Down) vocal liberation waking up Sep 07, 2020

Welcome to this episode, which explores voices that are "too much". These include blurters, or binge-voices that let it all out and then shut down afterwards. I work with a lot of clients and students in ym courses that have this polarity of voices. It's opposite is a "too little" voice, that doesn'...

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E028 - The Energetic and Neurological Effects of Social Media vocal liberation waking up Aug 31, 2020

Welcome to this episode, which explores social media from an energetic and neurophysiological point of view. It also looks at the incredible opportunities that social mediaĀ can open up forĀ (in spite of the downsides).

Read the blog or watch the episode!Ā 

So, welcome. How do you feel about socia...

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E027 - It's OK to not know vocal liberation waking up Aug 24, 2020

Welcome to this episode, which is about uncertainty, doubt and not knowing.

Read the blog or watch the episode!

This is all about not getting fixed ideas in your head and what to do with your huge political opinion and your opinion about government and your fear and rage about the people to the ...

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E026 - Listen to Ambient Music ā€“ Release Anxiety and feel Grounded ambient music self-regulation waking up Aug 17, 2020

Welcome to you, to here to this channel, to this moment, to this exact moment, as we begin, let's just get feet on the ground, really feeling the lower halves of our bodies. Today, we are gonna talk about one of the greatest hacks for shifting the state of one's nervous system and getting out of fee...

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E025 - The Power of Silence vocal liberation waking up Aug 10, 2020

This week's blog doesn't really work as a written blog... it's all in the video.

Let me know if it spoke to you.

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