Blog, Teachings & Resources


When You Freeze Under the Spotlight and All Eyes are Upon You ambient music jeremy de tolly safety self-regulation transform your voice vocal liberation Aug 24, 2022

I walked onto the stage with my body vibrating with fear.

Bright spotlights on me, I could barely see the audience.

I sat down at the huge, shiny black Bosendorpher grand piano.

Took a long, deep breath.

I was shaking.

I was about to play the first song from my then new solo piano album,...

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E038 - 5 Gifts for Your Voice agency freedom humanity safety self-love transform your voice vocal liberation Nov 16, 2020

I'm my own harshest critic.

I underestimate the value of a well-chosen environment. I know just how to undermine my innate sense of power. I seem to be working against self-emancipation, and often lapse into autopilot – dimly aware of the life force draining out of me.

Do any of the...

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E008 - How to sing in tune reliably, for the rest of your life jeremy de tolly radiant voices transform your voice vocal liberation Feb 21, 2020

Hello friends

Welcome to another episode. In this episode I'll be delving deep into one very simple thing and that is how to sing in tune for the rest of your life, reliably.

Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

So that's quite a big promise but I feel confident that in...

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E007 - Releasing voices and healing blocks jeremy de tolly radiant voices transform your voice vocal liberation Feb 14, 2020

Hey Lovely Folk

So this is going to be another episode of unplanned, unscripted communication.

Watch the video, or read about it in the blog, posted below:

As you can see I'm sitting on a tropical island, it’s been raining a little bit, kind of windy and here we are.

I wanted to share with...

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E001 - Set your voice free by humming (and meditate by singing!) radiant voices academy transform your voice vocal liberation Jan 04, 2020

In this video, I investigate how to set your beautiful voice free by humming.

You’ll quickly discover a daily practice where you meditate and sing at the same time. Tremendously convenient for a busy person like you!

We'll look at your voice blocks, and ways to transform your voice into...

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