Blog, Teachings & Resources


What Were Your First Words? authenticity freedom heart radiant voices self-love transform your voice trauma vocal liberation Sep 05, 2022

I often think about our first words as babies... starting with 'gaaaaaa', then leveling up to 'ma' or 'dada'

We began as these beautiful, open little beings. And as our parents interacted with us, we learned the rules for communicating.

Hopefully they loved us, told us so, and we could feel their ...

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When Did You Feel Comfortable in Your Skin? authenticity freedom radiant voices radiant voices academy safety self-love self-regulation transform your voice trauma vocal liberation Sep 05, 2022

Yesterday I was running before dawn, with my head torch bobbling out a thin arc of white light. As I huffed and puffed in the freezing darkness, I remembered something awkward and painful from when I was 20 years old.

I remembered being in a club called The Playground, filled with cool kids dressed...

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Attack of the Awks authenticity freedom radiant voices self-love transform your voice vocal liberation Sep 05, 2022

I stumble into them, the ultimate hipster couple. He's a legendary DJ and she does super cool live visuals for his shows.

He is already looking at me VERY strangely as Iā€™m shaking his girlfriend's hand - awestruck. I'm shaking her hand and shaking her hand and still shaking her hand. Some words are...

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E038 - 5 Gifts for Your Voice agency freedom humanity safety self-love transform your voice vocal liberation Nov 16, 2020

I'm my own harshest critic.

I underestimate the value of a well-chosen environment. I know just how to undermine my innate sense of power. I seem to be working against self-emancipation, and often lapse into autopilot ā€“ dimlyĀ aware of the life force draining out of me.

Do any of the above ring dis...

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