Blog, Teachings & Resources


E060 – The Festive Season Survival Playbook boundaries communication healthy boundaries heart self-regulation tapping Dec 21, 2023

This blog is about surviving and thriving in the festive season—at family events, at parties, barbecues or braais or whatever you call them in your country. They could also be work events and mixers and other social and potentially stressful events.

I'll share five tips/tools/hacks/things to play w...

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E058 - Where Are You Speaking From? authenticity boundaries communication healthy boundaries Nov 16, 2023

Hello there,

We speak all day, with family members or co-workers or friends or even the Internet.

But we don't often ask ourselves, "Where am I speaking from?" We just kind of let the words come out and see what happens.

Perhaps we breathe a little bit or compose ourselves before, but for the mos...

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How Do You Feel About Posting on Social Media? authenticity freedom healthy boundaries jeremy de tolly radiant voices safety vocal liberation Sep 05, 2022

Social media is such a conundrum. Or is it, “social media are such a conundrum’? See?!?! Questions everywhere.

Is spending lots of time online healthy or unhealthy? Do we need it for our work? Does it make us unconscious and waste our time? Or could we be one of those people that avoids social medi...

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E017 - Fawn and the Defense Pattern of Being Extremely Nice boundaries communication fawn healthy boundaries trauma trauma patterns vocal liberation May 29, 2020

Well hello, how are you? I’m great, thank you—really well. Everything’s great! I’m fine... Or at least I'm pretending to be fine! 😄 

Welcome to this week's blog, about the trauma pattern of “fawn” and being too darned nice (or just a little bit passive aggressive). You can watch the video or read t...

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E013 - How vocal liberation can support you to create deeper authenticity and healthier boundaries authenticity healthy boundaries vocal liberation Apr 24, 2020

Well, hey there. Great to see you. This week's episode explores how vocal liberation can support you to create deeper authenticity and healthier boundaries. 

Watch the episode or read the transcript below:

Thank you for joining me here in my studio. So, today I'm going to be talking about authen...

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