Heart-Centered Communication Coach


Heart-Centred Communication Coach

Hi! Iā€™m a communication coach who helps people overcome fear and anxiety around speaking and singing so that they can express themselves with confidence, clarity, and ease. Iā€™ve helped hundreds of peopleā€”from CEOs to yoga teachersā€”show up powerfully as their authentic selves.

Iā€™m trained in multiple modalities, including energy coaching, Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TREĀ®), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I use trauma-informed somatic therapies and mindfulness methods to help people overcome their fears of expressing themselves and being heard and seen. Iā€™ve been featured in publications such as GQ, Menā€™s Health, and Rolling Stone.

When Iā€™m not coaching clients, Iā€™m making music. Iā€™m a singer, guitarist, pianist, and studio producer. In 2012, I won the South African Music Award for Best Alternative Album. I live between Toronto, Canada, and a beautiful wine farm in Elgin, South Africa.

Jeremy de Tolly: musician, vocal transformation coach and healer

What appears to be in the way, is the way.

- Thomas Hübl

Jeremy de Tolly: musician, vocal transformation coach and healer

Iā€™ve always loved that quote but didnā€™t know quite how meaningful it would come to be in my journey as a musician, vocal transformation coach, and healer.

Iā€™ve been a rock ā€˜n roll and studio musician for what feels like forever, but my journey to finding powerful voice-healing tools started 25 years ago. An integral part of this journey was training as a Transformation Coach and in other highly effective methods, like TREĀ®Ā  and EFT. My search was born both out of a deep curiosity about life and the need to do some serious personal work and healing.Ā 

Because while Iā€™ve sung on international stages, toured, enjoyed the thrill of playing to thousands of people, and produced award-winning records, Iā€™ve also spent a lot of time feeling anxious and even ashamed of my voice.


In our culture, singing has been elevated to a level of athleticism that few can consistently perform at. On the recordings we sing along to, voices use auto-tune and other production elements to make them sound perfect. And so we get duped into believingĀ  that we shouldn't sing unless we sound like the recording. Even top-level singers suffer from shame, anxiety, and mistrust of their own voices.

I noticed deeply ingrained patterns in my speaking voice tooā€”of shutdown, of not speaking my truth, and a real struggle with expressing boundaries.Ā 

I had kept my career as a musician quite apart from my burgeoning path as a healer and coach. But when I finally brought the two together in a moment of clarity, it was like a nuclear reaction going off in my coreā€”a magnetic meeting of two worlds.

It felt exactly right, like Iā€™d found my lifeā€™s work. As I traveled around the world leading group classes and workshops, I met people with deeply shut-down voices. And it was clear that the reasons their voices were blocked were deep and would never be addressed by speech-making or singing classes. I found that the origin of people's voice blocks could be found in their childhoods. Their voices ā€˜becameā€™ through parenting, school, and culture and also got imprinted in traumatic incidents big and small. To return a voice to health, I found that we need to specifically address the expression aspects of these issues. You need a deep and sophisticated toolkit to heal and liberate a voice.

This led me to develop the Radiant Voices material and methodologies that I teach now, both as a private vocal transformation coach and in my signature course, Awaken Your Radiant Voice.

The focus of this work is to empower my clients to go from a place of not trusting their voice to feeling safe and confident to express their magic in the world. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing that change happen and witnessing the confidence and infectious joy it brings.

Liberating your voice is a joyful experience. Yes, itā€™s a deep process, and it's gentle, caring work to nurture a voice back into health and confidence. When our voices are shut down as children, our sense of playfulness gets shut down too. But the upside is that when the clamps come off, the joy comes out. And then weā€™re free to be our goofy, quirky, unfiltered selves, and the world becomes a better place for it.


Jeremy de Tolly on his farm in Elgin, South Africa where he leads classes for Awaken Your Radiant Voice and sees one on one clients online

Life Now

I live between Toronto, Canada, and a quiet farm in Elgin, South Africa. I teach groups and classesĀ and see a limited number of one-on-one clients each week.Ā 

I also still make music from my studioā€”Iā€™m currently writing a new album with my indie rock band The Dirty Skirts. Check out my meditation music here and my gentle ambient piano work here. Iā€™m primarily a singer, but I also play piano, guitar, and synthesizers and produce albums.Ā 

Ultimately, it gives me great satisfaction to use my gifts and abilities at this intersection of voices and healing, to help make things a little better on this extraordinary marble we call home.

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Awaken Your Radiant Voice


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Work With Me


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